Man to Man Ministries is an independent, non-profit ministry. We are governed by a Board of Directors and we hold to traditional, evangelical, Christian Doctrine. We are not affiliated with any denomination or church.
Our vision is to lead men to consistently live Christian disciplines and walk humbly with the creator. We come alongside men and their families to help cultivate a positive environment of encouraging men in their faith, equipping men to lead their family, and engaging men in the community to live out lives that honor God.
If you would like to meet with our staff or have a consultation with Glen just call our field office at 361-572-9604. It would be an honor to share with you about what God is doing with this ministry in making disciples and how to become a ministry partner. Contributions are tax deductible, and you will receive a contribution letter at year-end.
I want to thank you in advance for your consideration of a financial contribution. When you spend time in prayer this week, I would ask you to remember the leadership and direction of this organization, the staff, and my family. You are vital in helping us reach and grow men and their families!
"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV
"Serving with you in the fight for men’s lives" Glen A. Dry, Founder and President.
To make a donation, please mail checks to:
Man to Man Ministy
8793 US Hwy 87 North
Victoria, Texas 77904
You can also donate through PayPal by clicking the “Donate button below.

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